Module script::python::rspython::builtins::greptime_builtin

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GrepTime User Define Function module

allow Python Coprocessor Function to use already implemented udf functions from datafusion and GrepTime DB itself




  • abs 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s abs math function
  • acos 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s acos math function
  • Not implement in datafusion TODO(discord9): use greptime’s own impl instead
  • argmax 🔒
  • argmin 🔒
  • array_agg 🔒
    effectively equals to list(vector)
  • asin 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s asin math function
  • atan 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s atan math function
  • avg 🔒
    directly port from datafusion’s avg function
  • ceil 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s ceil math function
  • clip 🔒
  • col 🔒
  • cos 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s cos math function
  • count 🔒
  • dataframe 🔒
    get __dataframe__ from globals and return it TODO(discord9): this is a terrible hack, we should find a better way to get __dataframe__
  • datetime 🔒
  • diff 🔒
  • eval_func 🔒
  • exp 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s exp math function
  • first 🔒
    return first element in a PyVector in sliced new PyVector, if vector’s length is zero, return a zero sized slice instead
  • floor 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s floor math function
  • generate interval time point
  • interval 🔒
    func: exec on sliding window slice of given arr, expect it to always return a PyVector of one element ts: a vector of time stamp, expect to be Monotonous increase arr: actual data vector duration: the size of sliding window, also is the default step of sliding window’s per step
  • last 🔒
    return last element in a PyVector in sliced new PyVector, if vector’s length is zero, return a zero sized slice instead
  • lit 🔒
  • ln 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s ln math function
  • log2 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s log2 math function
  • log10 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s log10 math function
  • max 🔒
  • mean 🔒
  • min 🔒
  • next 🔒
  • percentile 🔒
  • polyval 🔒
  • pow 🔒
    Pow function, bind from gp’s [PowFunction]
  • pow_gp 🔒
    GrepTime’s own impl of pow function
  • prev 🔒
  • query 🔒
    get __query__ from globals and return it TODO(discord9): this is a terrible hack, we should find a better way to get __query__
  • random 🔒
    return a random vector range from 0 to 1 and length of len
  • round 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s round math function
  • signum 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s signum math function
  • sin 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s sin math function
  • sqrt 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s sqrt math function
  • stddev 🔒
  • stddev_pop 🔒
  • sum 🔒
  • tan 🔒
    simple math function, the backing implement is datafusion’s tan math function
  • variance 🔒
  • vector 🔒