use std::any::Any;
use common_error::ext::{BoxedError, ErrorExt};
use common_error::status_code::StatusCode;
use common_macro::stack_trace_debug;
use datafusion_common::ScalarValue;
use datatypes::prelude::ConcreteDataType;
use datatypes::schema::SchemaRef;
use snafu::{Location, Snafu};
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
pub enum Error {
#[snafu(display("Fail to create datafusion record batch"))]
NewDfRecordBatch {
error: datatypes::arrow::error::ArrowError,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Data types error"))]
DataTypes {
location: Location,
source: datatypes::error::Error,
#[snafu(display("External error"))]
External {
location: Location,
source: BoxedError,
#[snafu(display("Failed to create RecordBatches, reason: {}", reason))]
CreateRecordBatches {
reason: String,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Failed to convert Arrow schema"))]
SchemaConversion {
source: datatypes::error::Error,
location: Location,
PollStream {
error: datafusion::error::DataFusionError,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Create physical expr error"))]
PhysicalExpr {
error: datafusion::error::DataFusionError,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Fail to format record batch"))]
Format {
error: datatypes::arrow::error::ArrowError,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Failed to convert {v:?} to Arrow scalar"))]
ToArrowScalar {
v: ScalarValue,
error: datafusion_common::DataFusionError,
location: Location,
"Failed to project Arrow RecordBatch with schema {:?} and projection {:?}",
ProjectArrowRecordBatch {
error: datatypes::arrow::error::ArrowError,
location: Location,
schema: datatypes::schema::SchemaRef,
projection: Vec<usize>,
#[snafu(display("Column {} not exists in table {}", column_name, table_name))]
ColumnNotExists {
column_name: String,
table_name: String,
location: Location,
"Failed to cast vector of type '{:?}' to type '{:?}'",
CastVector {
from_type: ConcreteDataType,
to_type: ConcreteDataType,
location: Location,
source: datatypes::error::Error,
#[snafu(display("Error occurs when performing arrow computation"))]
ArrowCompute {
error: datatypes::arrow::error::ArrowError,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Unsupported operation: {}", reason))]
UnsupportedOperation {
reason: String,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Cannot construct an empty stream"))]
EmptyStream {
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Schema not match, left: {:?}, right: {:?}", left, right))]
SchemaNotMatch {
left: SchemaRef,
right: SchemaRef,
location: Location,
#[snafu(display("Stream timeout"))]
StreamTimeout {
location: Location,
error: tokio::time::error::Elapsed,
#[snafu(display("RecordBatch slice index overflow: {visit_index} > {size}"))]
RecordBatchSliceIndexOverflow {
location: Location,
size: usize,
visit_index: usize,
impl ErrorExt for Error {
fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode {
match self {
Error::NewDfRecordBatch { .. }
| Error::EmptyStream { .. }
| Error::SchemaNotMatch { .. } => StatusCode::InvalidArguments,
Error::DataTypes { .. }
| Error::CreateRecordBatches { .. }
| Error::Format { .. }
| Error::ToArrowScalar { .. }
| Error::ProjectArrowRecordBatch { .. }
| Error::PhysicalExpr { .. }
| Error::RecordBatchSliceIndexOverflow { .. } => StatusCode::Internal,
Error::PollStream { .. } => StatusCode::EngineExecuteQuery,
Error::ArrowCompute { .. } => StatusCode::IllegalState,
Error::ColumnNotExists { .. } => StatusCode::TableColumnNotFound,
Error::External { source, .. } => source.status_code(),
Error::UnsupportedOperation { .. } => StatusCode::Unsupported,
Error::SchemaConversion { source, .. } | Error::CastVector { source, .. } => {
Error::StreamTimeout { .. } => StatusCode::Cancelled,
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any {